Kim Clement's first prophetic utterance regarding the Dow reaching 20,000 was spoken in code years ago. Back in March 13, 2013, while I was giving a Codebreakers report on our House of Destiny broadcast, Kim suddenly 'interrupted' me mid-sentence as an unexpected prophetic word erupted from his spirit. (Photo of Kim Clement with Sunil Isaac). 17, 2019 Trey Smith Kim Cement gave prophecy that Trump would face two impeachment charges, yet he further gave prophecy that Trump would NOT ultimately be “impeached” – meaning removed from office. Further, Clement gave prophecy that the impeachment attempt would be of a “corrupt nature.”. Kim Clement died shortly after Trump was elected in 2016. But long before Trump had even announced he was running, Kim Clement described the next president. “The enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House. But, it SHALL NOT HAPPEN.”.
Kim Clement Dinar Prophecy - High Stock Market And Revaluation Of Iraqi Dinar
Lil Kim 2019
Kim Clement Does Not SayDow At 20,000 Points Begins The RV Of The Dinar
Below is an amazing prophecy which is not meant to be an exact timing of when the dinar RV will take place, but is IMHO a wake up call to alert God's people to start investing in the dinar in view of the coming revaluation of the Iraqi dinar in the future. 20,000 on the Dow is a sign of breakthrough. Not the date the RV is going to happen.
Please note that Kim Clement has been very accurate in his past predictions. It is very amazing how so much of what he said has already come true in dinar land with the corruption and the lies and the greedy brokers he talks about. Read this page carefully.
But before reading this page, I would highly recommend that you read theprophecies given by Hank Kunneman (< click on blue words) first.Then come back to this page.
First of all, this was spoken though Kim Clement on July 18, 2015 concerning the Dinar:.......”I want to free you, every one of you, My people, to be able to stretch out their hand to the lonely, to the hungry, to the poor, and feed them and clothe them. This is My desire, says the Lord. Therefore, there shall be a break in the financial system in the Middle East, the dinar. And then he shall say, 'Why? Why now?' And God said, when things seem at their worst, I shall bring it forth and I shall free them up. There shall be a prosperity in a place where you least expect it.
The prayers of My people in Iran and the prayers of My Christian people that have come forth from Iraq and from Palestine - yes Palestine - and even those regions, I will hear their prayers and I will do something marvelous and will affect this nation, says the Lord. You put your hand in the hand of Iran? I say to you, I will remove the hand of America out of the hand of Iran, says the Lord, and I will free up My people for the promise is yes and amen.”
IMO....Our hand was taken out of Iran when we recently pulled out of the Nuke Deal. And from what the prophecy reads, things will “seem at their worst” when the IQD gets its new rate and is released to the world, and for what purpose is it being done? “to free you, every one of you, My people, to be able to stretch out their hand to the lonely, to the hungry, to the poor, and feed them and clothe them. This is My desire, says the Lord.“
Kim Clement also spoke a word about the suddenness of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. People would like to know the date and rate beforehand, but the public will not be given any indication of the exact timing. If they did, then average traders could take advantage of the revaluation and make billions leveraging the dinar as it heads upward in value. Listen to this video:
The next prophecy indicates it will happen but no one will know the day.....
Kim Clement - June 29th, 2011 - The Matrix: 'By the way, I'm hearing something in the Spirit. What is the dinar? Hasn't been time, hasn't been time, sudden change. So for those that are investing, I cannot tell you to do this or purchase them, but for those that are holding on, nothing, nothing, nothing, and then suddenly something.'
After reading more below, please read this revelation given to another accurate prophet.
This is a recent prophetic revelation about the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar that was given to Hank Kunneman who is a very accurate prophet according to the people who know him well and have experienced his accurate prophetic words.Click hereto find it.
On the above web page URL Kim Clement ( died and went to his Lord in 2016 ) spoke in the year 2014 about a prophecy that he had in 2013 about the Iraqi Dinar and how the DOW JONES INDEX reaching 20,000 would be a sign to start advancing because of the relatively soon coming RV of the dinar. I will indicate the start of the text from Kim Clement's website and show you below when the words of the text from Kim's website ends (update: Dow hit 20,000 so we can expect something to happen sometime in 2017 or 2018 or 2019 or 2020 etc. if this prophecy is accurate) Below is video of it:
After reading Kim's entire prophecy, please find more prophetic revelations that may help you with your Iraqi dinar revaluation goals. Click here to find more revelations.
Begin 2014 text from Kim: 'Today I want to just share for a few minutes on the dinar, while you are giving, because some of you have invested and the Spirit spoke to me and said there's great, and later on in Codebreakers, we're going to reveal more, there's great deception. Many have been lied to. Many are out there that are calling themselves brokers but taking advantage of your innocence in many of your lives. Hold on to everything because there's a sign, and the one thing that I did see, and I may want to share when we do Codebreakers rather remind me, please, there's something I have to share about what I saw, aside from the NASDAQ. We've all got to listen carefully. Everybody wants money immediately; we want our billions to drop out of the air. In the meantime, sow now. If you sow now, you will begin to reap and that will come eventually. But do the sowing now so that God can give seed to the sower.....'
'Regarding the dinar, everybody sitting, watching now, all you want to hear is, when's it going to happen? When is the revaluation going to take place? What revaluation? First of all, hear what God said a while ago and connect the dots because this is what happens at the Den, is we find out what God was saying so that we could connect the dots and be at the right place at the right time at the right season for the right reason.'
'This is the dinar, for those who want to know (he holds it up). By the way, it's a color that I prophesied about many years ago that some of you should just go and delve into because there are so many little things out there. A lot of people want to make a lot of money quickly and sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't, most times it doesn't. The key, I've found, is to sow. Sow where there's life; sow where there is purpose and God says something. I've found that brings prosperity. Prosperity doesn't mean necessarily having millions of dollars in the bank. Prosperity is what we are experiencing; we have nothing in the bank. However, it will fill up very quickly and it will go out very quickly because to me, the point of prosperity is philanthropy. In other words, we are to give to others and I'll get to the point now.'
'Everybody watching now that's interested in the issue of the dinar, listen to me. A prophecy came out November 22, 2013 and it was very short, but one of those very powerful gems to give us a time. David was told by God, 'I'm going to give you back; you're going to recover everything.' He said, 'Lord, shall I go now and attack the Philistines?' And God said, 'No. What I want you to do is, I want you to go to a certain area and when there is a moving in the mulberry trees, on the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance.' In other words, there's a perfect time for God to do anything. That's one of the reasons that I believe the prophetic ministry is telling you when to advance and there's a sign when you should do it or a sign whenyou'll know the way is clear for you to do it. ( Continued below when you see this: *** )
Editor comment: Notice that the combined 2014 prophecy and 2013 prophecy below seem to connect the moving in the mulberry trees (the Dow at 20,000 points) as a sign that the way is clear to start advancing. What does advancing mean? Could it be the time to start investing in the dinar? It seems that the prophecies do not connect the Dow at 20,000 points to the exact time that the dinar will revalue. The Down at 20,000 is sign to start advancing which could mean a sign that the time has come to start investing in the Iraqi dinar in light of the future revalue of the dinar? That very well could be what 'advancing' means? Find ways to make the money to invest also?
Here is the Prophecy from NOVEMBER 22, 2013 that Kim mentioned above: 'I spoke recently about the Dow at 20,000 points. All of this connects to a massive breakthrough with regard to the DINAR.' ( editor interpretation: The Dow at 20,000 is a moving in the mulberry trees sign that indicates a breakthrough has taken place so God's people can start advancing (investing in dinar?) with the view of a wealth transfer (dinar revalue) taking place sometime in the future.)
*** Kim then goes on to say in the message given by him in 2014: 'I know nothing about the dinar, really, except that it's Iraqi, and I do have a sense this morning when I took the money into my hands (somebody had sent some to me, which we kept in a safe), but I took the money and I didn't have a good feeling. I just want you to know that; I didn't have a good feeling about it. When I say that, I say there's a lot of corruption,there are a lot of lies. There are a lot of brokers that are trying to milk you, as he said, and I felt to pray against that for you that are under my care as a pastor and as a prophetic voice. So I've done that today and I'll do that tomorrow morning. But here you have some very beautiful signs, so hold on, don't let go, don't give in, and don't be fooled, ok? I pray for God's protection on you in that area.' (end of Kim quote)
My comment on above prophecy: It is an amazing prophecy and although Kim says he knows nothing about what is going on in the dinar world, he gives warnings as if he is speaking as one who really knows, but those words of knowledge are coming from information given to him by the Spirit of God, and I am not posting these words on the Global Financial Protection website in order to encourage you to pray about whether you should purchase dinar or not because we are not in any way recommending any currencies on this website. But I felt I needed to post it because it also contains some wisdom to discourage the people who are tempted to do something foolish with their Iraqi dinar. Kim says to 'hold on, don't let go, don't give in, and don't be fooled, ok?'
Breaking News On Iraqi Dinar RV - Click It.
Disclaimer: We are not investment advisers and we are not recommending any investment on this web page. We give no personalized advice to anyone. We sell information packages only for interesting reading. No particular currency has been recommended by us for investment. Investing in currency is risky and you could lose all your money if you do so. Please get advice from a qualified investment adviser also before investing in anything. We will not be held responsible for any losses you may incur as a result of your investment choices as they relate to the global reset of currencies.
U.S. citizens get a special package designed especially for them where no offshore venues are recommended directly by us, but some domestic agents we provide have some powerful offshore strategies that will protect your post GCR profits. Again, we do not give personalized investment advice but sell an information package with the best information in the world in it about how to protect your post GCR profits. God bless you.
Global Currency Reset News - Global Currency Revaluation 2019
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