- The logo of Monster energy drink is not the English alphabet M, but the Hebrew script for 666. The cross inside the letter O in Monster is not about Jesus Christ, but rather the Anti-Christ.
- According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. ( Revelation 13: 1, 17, 18 ) This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.”.
- Does the Monster Energy Drinks have the “666” mark of the Beast The enclosed you tube video seems to think it does but others say no.you be the judge. This is my assessment as best as I can do.
- Monster Energy denied that her complaints reflected their product. Also in November 2014, Weick protested at a Muslim prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral. Weick stood up and shouted, 'Jesus Christ died on that cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.'
Υπάρχει ένα νέο ενεργειακό ποτό ονόματι MONSTER παραγωγής Ιρλανδίας. Στην μπροστινή όψη έχει κάτι σύμβολα σαν 3 νυχιες του τέρατος ( MONSTER ). H μήπως όχι; Σύμφωνα με το πίνακα ισραηλινών αριθμών και την αντιστοίχηση τους με.
When anything becomes as popular as the Monster Energy Drink logo and brand, controversies and scandals are bound to pop up. Whether they are in regards to the Monster Energy Drink logo, to the company’s business practices, or to the safety of their products, scandals will inevitably break out.
If such a thing as for a beverage to start a whole cultural movement is possible, then, Monster Energy Drink has certainly done just that. The North American caffeinated beverage has spawned an entire subculture, with groups and groups of people who are taking the Monster tenets by heart and living that particular lifestyle.
That alone makes it obvious that the company behind it must be doing something right. So, let’s take a look at the incredibly popular brand and finally determine the answer to the question that has been gnawing at both its fans and opponents – What is the meaning of the Monster Energy Drink logo?
Changes and Evolution
Introduced only 14 years ago, in 2002, the Monster Energy Drink logo hasn’t actually gone through any sort of changes. Created by McLean Design, one of the best and most appreciated logo design companies in not only North America but in the whole world, the logo was a huge success as soon as it came out.
It never actually warranted a change, as that usually only comes into the picture when profits start dropping. And in its nearly fourteen years of existence, Monster Energy Drink has never actually had any seriously declining sales. Plus, with the Monster Energy Drink logo being one of the most recognizable in the world, it’s unlikely that it’s going to change anytime soon.
Monster Energy Drink Logo Design Elements
Since we are going to analyze the Monster Energy Drink logo, we are going to have to look at each one of the main design elements individually and see how they build to the overall image of the world-famous brand. It is going to be an interesting and fascinating journey into the principles of graphic design.
Most highly renowned and acclaimed logos are constituted of elements which work very individually, but when become something even better when taken together. And of course, McLean Design did an amazing job in designing the logo for Monster Energy Drink. All of the logo’s elements work together to create a whole new image.
This is perhaps the part of the article most of you wanted to read about. And, let’s be fair – as far as conspiracy theories go, this one sounds pretty legit. With the amount of people and work that went into designing the Monster Energy Drink logo, it seems pretty unlikely that none of them caught onto the logo’s similarities to the Hebrew characters for 666.
Plus, with the energy drink’s trademark slogan being “Unleash the Beast”, it seems even more unlikely that the coincidences would run this far – or does it? Yes, it does seem unlikely, but unlikely things happen all the time.
You have to keep in mind that a design team working on making logos doesn’t always have the necessary background to pick up on the fact that the three claw marks on the logo they’re designing somewhat resemble the Hebrew symbol for Vav, or six. The same applies to the “Unleash the Beast” slogan. It is a pretty common saying, and Beasts are mentioned throughout numerous myths.
No, the Monster Energy Drink logo is just what it looks like – a very neatly designed emblem, meant to inspire both feelings of nostalgia, with its ‘90s look, and to draw in new caffeine enthusiasts with its creative and unique design.
Regardless of what you think the Monster Energy Drink 666 logo stands for, the beast in possession of the claws that made their mark on the can has yet to capture its last victim. And, sure – the claw marks might stand for 666, but it’s far more likely that they stand for M, the energy drink’s initial.
The main colors of the Monster Energy Drink logo are green and black. The green, neon claw marks on the black background work together in a very dynamic and highly complex relation. While each of the colors stands for something else individually, the Monster Energy Drink logo blends them together, evoking notions of energy, excitement, health, youth, elegance, and vitality.
Each one of the 34 different Monster Energy Drinks variants present throughout North America has its own color scheme. And each one of those color schemes is representative of what that particular energy drink stands for – from Assault to Khaos, and even to Rehab and Unleaded, the colors of the cans tell you exactly what to expect.
Featuring a very modernistic, yet nostalgic powerful custom typeface, images of Monster Energy Drink logo are fairly unique among the sea of simplistic designs we have been seeing today. What the logo does best is to proclaim proudly that it knows exactly how eye-drawing it is and that it takes pride in it.
While many may describe it as tacky, over-the-top, or simply as trying too hard, the truth is that the Monster Energy Drink logo is just as popular as the drink – a unique logo for a uniquely popular beverage. If executed differently, the design might have seemed too much, but as it is, it’s one of the most popular fonts of all time.
Inspiration and Trivia

Like most, if not all, energy drink companies tend to be, the Monster Energy Drink logo and brand are often associated with sporting events of all types. The more extreme the sport, the better, as Monster is associated with competitions such as BMX, snowboarding, Formula 1, as well as a great number of E-sports events.
Monster has been the subject of many scandals over the years due to the company’s overly enthusiastic legal team. Suing every company, regardless of their size, which happens to have “monster”, “beast”, or any other whiff of copyright in their name, Monster’s legal procedures have become the target of many jokes and much ridicule in both pop culture and sporting events.
Speaking of pop culture, the Monster Energy Drink logo and brand have inspired the creation of one of the best villains in recent TV history, iZombie’s Vaughn Du Clark. He is the head of Max Rager, an energy drink company which is an obvious fictional representation of Monster. In the show’s mythos, a cocktail of Monster Max Rager and a synthetic drug could turn you into a brain-craving zombie.
The plot was most likely inspired by a number of cases in which people with pre-existing heart conditions drinking an excessive amount of the energy drink ended up dying. Since a causal link between drinking the energy drink and the fatalities was never proven, conspiracy theorists started proclaiming that the company is falsifying records.
One last famous scandal involving the Monster Energy Drink logo and brand took place back in 2012, when the Beastie Boys sued the energy drink company for using one of their songs illegally in an online campaign. Monster Beverage Corp. lost and had to pay the Beastie Boys $1.7. However, the company is still continuing its suing spree, the latest victim being a small root brewery named Thunder Beast.
New Monster Flavors
One of the most instantly recognizable and appreciated energy drinks in the world, Monster has been through its fair share of controversies. However, regardless of its faults, the company made the Monster Energy Drink logo into an example of perfecting marketing strategies. Creative and unique, Monster has gathered its own following through the help of a combination of quality products and brilliant publicity.
Image source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Monster Drink Symbol
On 9 November 2014, a long-circulating conspiracy theory about Monster brand energy drinks, the symbol “666”, and a secret agenda to infiltrate Christian homes with satanic beverages “crossed over” when a lengthy video explanation of the concept was published to YouTube, shared on Facebook, and viewed by millions of users:
I just watched a video on Facebook of a lady discussing all the satanic symbolism on “Monster Energy Drink” cans. The “M” is made of 3 Hebrew symbols for the number 6 – so 666.
There is a cross in the “O” – that is “witchcraft” bc when you tip the can it’s an upside down cross.
It mentions “MILF’s” like the drink so you will too – hence the can is not christian as the cross suggests at first site.
The clip displayed above featured a very sincere woman who laid out the Monster 666 theory in-depth, and her claims rested on a number of assumptions, including the assumptions that Satan worshippers are numerous, have infiltrated large corporations for unknown reasons, and seek to use their wealth and power to pointlessly infuse benign daily objects with coded signals. Another crucial assumption was most Americans don’t know enough about how Hebrew works to understand it doesn’t quite translate to what the woman in the video suggests:
Look at the ‘M’ closely, there’s a gap right here in the letter, it’s never connected. So you go to Hebrew. The letter Vav is also the number six — you could have here, in Hebrew, 666. But my interest is the word Monster, what do you see in the O? There’s a cross. What has Christ got to do with an energy drink?
The matter of the cross is “solved” by the video’s narrator, who believes the symbol she identifies as Christian is turned upside down with each sip of the drink, invoking the common idea that adherents of Satan employ subverted Christian icons. The woman never fully articulates what the end game of secret Satanic symbols on Monster energy drink cans might be, but she concludes: “You see these Ms everywhere. Hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers. Is there another agenda here? If God can use people and product, so can Satan.”
The rumors about 666s and other Satanic hidden symbols on Monster energy drinks have been circulating since at least 2009; however, the video has revived the old and long-debunked rumors with a vengeance.
Monster Energy 666 Myth
Ultimately, the claim involving a 666 on Monster energy drink cans relies on the incorrect assumption the three claw marks comprising the logo represent three iterations of the Hebrew symbol “Vav,” resulting in a Hebrew equivalent of “666.” But “666” in Hebrew would be written “Tav Resh Samech Vav,” or “six hundred sixty-six.”
Is Monster Energy Drink Harmful
At the end of the clip, the woman points to a “cross” in the Monster logo, which is inverted when the can is tipped for drinking. However, the symbol to which the woman refers is phi, a pre-Christian Greek character that has nothing to do with Christianity, witchcraft, or Satanic messaging.