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VVV is an application that catalogs the content of removable volumes like CD and DVD disks for off-line searching. Folders and files can also be arranged in a single, virtual file system. Each folder of this virtual file system can contain files from many disks so you can arrange your data in a simple and logical way.
VVV also stores metadata information from audio files: author, title, album and so on. Most audio formats are supported.
It is possible to share the same catalog, stored in a network server, among Windows, Linux and OSX computers. The network server is simply a computer running a database server program. Click here for more info.
64 bit OS X version released
The OS X version is now available as a 64 bit app. Just download it from the download page and replace the current app.
News for the current version (1.4)
- Fixed a bug: the program crashed cataloging files with a malformed date.
- Now double-clicking a file will open it with the default program. Of course the file must be available. The same feature is available in the Tools/Open with default program menu and in the context menu activated by right-clicking a file.
- The Open with default program menu is also available for folders in the right pane.
- Now the program remembers the column widths in the search view.
- In Search view now the program remembers the settings for filename and description (is equal/starts with/contains).
- Added an option to show rows in alternate colors to improve readability.
- Now the program shows files and folders sizes with thousands separators.
- Looking for more translators. Translators are welcome for other languages: it is a matter of translating a number of sentences using a helper program. You can contact me if you are interested: contact info at the bottom of this page.
- Some translators are not available any more or they do not have free time, so I also need help for completing the translations to the following languages: Czech, German, Spanish, French, Croatian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian. For these languages only a few sentences need to be translated, so this would take much less time than a full translation.
VVV is available for Windows, Linux and for OS X (Intel only). You can exchange catalogs between Windows, Linux and OS X computers, and you can connect Windows, Linux and OS X computers to the same (Windows, Linux or OS X) server.
VVV is very fast, even with very large catalogs. Data are stored in a relational database, designed to handle millions of rows, so retrieving your information will always be a quick task.
VVV can show the content of your disks in three different views:
- The first is the physical view, click here for a Windows screenshot. This view shows the content of each disk, you can navigate in the folders structure and see the files contained in each folder.
- The second is the virtual view, click here for a Linux screenshot. In this view everything is organized as a single virtual file system. You can create folders and you can assign physical volumes or folders to each virtual folder. You can assign the same file to more than one virtual folder, and each virtual folder can contain files that are stored in different disks. The virtual view is a powerful tool that will let you organize your data in a logical way: it will save you a lot of searches.
- The third is the search view, click here for a Windows screenshot. In this view you can search the catalog looking for files that meet your specification.
VVV does not change your operating system in any way: everything is contained in the installation folder so you can be sure that it will not cause problems to other applications or to the operating system itself.
You can contact me at . Please make sure that the message subject contains 'VVV' for faster processing, For example 'Question about VVV'.
Many thanks to Danny Muñiz for his help in designing this web site.VVV is hosted at Sourceforge. |
VVV uses the Firebird relational database. |
VVV uses the wxWidgets framework to build versions for many operating systems. |
Please Help Support This Project. |
- Installing Varying Vagrants Vagrant on Windows 10 64bit
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Now that all software required to run VVV are installed, we will now proceed to install VVV itself.
Install Needed Vagrant Plugins
- Open up your ConEmu as Admin.
- Now run the following two commands.
This will install the following vagrant plugins
- Vagrant::Hostupdater – This adds entry to your hosts file for easy network management.
- Vagrant::Triggers – Used by VVV to run backups when you close your vagrant.
- Vagrant::Faster – Makes the vagrant faster by allocating more RAM and CPU.
Install VVV
Finally the moment has arrived. For this series, we will assume that
- We will be using GIT Bash with ConEmu only.
- We will install VVV inside
directory.- In my machine,
) is a SSD partition where I keep all my development stuff. - This gives super-fast experience with Sublime and almost anything.
- For simplicity, I open ConEmu under
and navigate there-on.
- In my machine,
- We will always run ConEmu as Administrator.
- Right click on the ConEmu shortcut.
- Go to Properties.
- Go to Compatibility.
- Check the box that says “Run this program as administrator.
Create directory
Open ConEmu.
CD to /d
Create vvv
CD to vvv
Clone VVV Repository
Now we will actually install VVV inside our vvv directory. In the prompt we are already at /d/vvv
. Now run the following command.
Once it is cloned, run the following command to install VVV.

Now just sit back and relax and see as VVV downloads some stuff and installs Ubuntu 14.04 (at the time of writing) along with a bunch of packages.
For me this took over 20 mins, but it may vary depending on your machine and network.
Working with Varying Vagrant
Now that everything is installed, open up your browser and go to http://vvv.dev/. You should see a webpage something like this.
But wait, this is not really what you see isn’t it? Don’t worry you need to learn that as a part of your homework (I did say something about homework, didn’t I?). For now, what you see could be something like this.
Workflow with Vagrant
As you might have guessed, vagrant workflow is based on Shared Directory Structure.
- You develop in the
directory where all the source code resides. - So go figure how to add this directory as project to your favorite editor.
- Create a bunch of plugins and themes (overnight, if possible, just to see how awesome this is).
- Test them from http://local.wordpress.dev/.
- Start wondering how easy it was to set everything up.
But we are not done yet. Who really develops all plugins and themes under the same WordPress installation? (Honestly I used to do that, before vvv, but not anymore). So for this, we need different WordPress installations and different addresses, like http://eform.dev, http://wpkb.dev, right, Right!? Enter Variable Vagrant.
As of Vagrant 2.0.0, Variable VV doesn’t work good with vagrant anymore. The good news is, vagrant now has a built-in way to install additional sites without much hassle. Please follow the official guide.
(Deprecated) Install Variable VVV
Variable VVV is basically a tool or wizard to seamlessly create VVV sites straight from command line.
Get Variable VVV files
Vvvv Download
CD to /d
Create vv
Clone the git repository.
Add Variable VVV to executable PATH
- Open Startmenu and start typing
. - Click and open
Edit the system environment variables
. - Click Environment Variable.
- Under System Variables, double click on Path.
- Add
to the list.
Now restart (close and open again really) your ConEmu and type in
This should give you similar output.
This means you are all set to go.

Create a new site with VV
Now type in a command to create a new site for your awesome plugin, say xyz.
Vvv Vvv Free Download
Note that we intentionally halt vvv before creating, because this is needed.
Now go through the wizard and enter as prompted. Once done, this will automatically provision your vagrant to get the site up and running. Now access your new sites under http://xyz.dev and edit the files at /d/vvv/www/xyz/htdocs/public_html
So that was the basics of VVV with VV workflow for your custom development. Next in this series we will see some networking and file sharing tips and hacks to run everything as smoothly as possible under Windows.
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